Annual Day is one of the Mega Event of the school. is the culmination of its academic year. It was celebrated on 10th January 2025, in the gracious presence of our Respected Principal G, Ashok, Honourable Connoisseur Mr. Murugesan and Distinguished Alumni Selvi Shruthi, Chartered Accountant.
The program started with the lighting of the lamp and honouring the Chief Guest with a bouquet. Mrs. S. Jayanthi Sukumar gave an introductory address followed by that our teachers read the significant of SAI INSTITUTIONS calendar quotes. Our Renowned Principal Mr. G. Ashok and Eminent Chief Guest Selvi. Shruthi presented the proficiency certificates to the students during the Academic year 2023-24. She congratulated the students and teachers for their ceaseless efforts and also commended the unstinted support from the parents. Teachers and non-teaching staff who have dedicated over 20 years to the institution were honoured for their long-standing service.
Prominent Chief Guest Alumni Selvi Shruthi, enthralled the audience with her special note on student’s life. She proudly said that the school has achieved several milestones in the past years, and she felt proud that it will extend beyond academics to shape individuals. The parents were overwhelmed with pride seeing their children shining on the stage.
The anticipated Kids’ Annual Day Celebration was a resounding success, showcasing the talents and energies of our young stars. The program commenced with a welcome dance which made the audience a mesmerizing. Our tiny tots dazzled the audience with their colourful costumes, energetic performances, and infectious enthusiasm.
The program concluded with “The mom and son dance” was a truly special moment, filling the hearts of everyone present with joy, love, and warmth. The beautiful performance etched in memories forever, and remained a testament to the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child.
The highlight of the evening was the impressive display of talents, ranging from singing and dancing. Our kids’ confidence and creativity shone through in every performance, leaving the audience in awe.