Celebrating Freedom India’s 78th Independence Day at SAI School on 15-08-2024

” Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?” …Mahatma Gandhi

Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August, 2024 This day holds a special place in the heart of every Indian. We celebrated India’s 78th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotism.

The event began with the Prayer followed by Mr. N. CHARLES, our Vice-Principal hoisting the national flag. Parents, students and teachers saluted the flag.

The cultural programmes presented by our students invoked a feeling of Patriotism.

The speech centering on the sacrificial service of our freedom fighters, struggles, sufferings, duties and responsibilities of the younger generation has been in the limelight every year.

A scintillating group song performance was presented by our students and the dance programme was mesmerizing.

The Students who got 100% attendance during the academic year 2023-2024, were awarded certificates by our Principal.

The celebration culminated with the National Anthem.